Phenix is a bioactive concentrated whey protein powder specifically designed to target faster recovery and increase performance intensity. Heavy exercise workloads can suppress immune response and increase susceptibility to illness. The 3 to 72 hour open window of impaired immunity after intense physical activity can cause added vulnerability to unwanted viruses and bacteria. Phenix is the solution to help maintain training goals of active outdoor enthusiasts.
Awaken your body and mind with IgniteTM. Get the most out of your training and maximize your overall performance by ensuring that both the mind and body are properly fueled. 900 mg of IgniteTM brain blend includes; Choline Bitartrate, Ly-Tyrosine and DMAE Bitartrate to improve cognitive function, resulting in elevated mental acuteness and clarity. Additionally, using the amino acid L-Citrulline, IgniteTM delivers 20+ hour release of Nitric Oxide providing smooth, long lasting energy as well as improved hydration, faster recovery and no jitters or crash. Whether you are getting ready to hit the trail head, walk through the gym doors or come out from backcountry heavy, Ignite your mind and body and don’t look back.
Sustained Energy
Accelerated Muscle Recovery
Promotes Lean Muscle Growth
Strengthens Immune System
Building blocks of protein to aid in recovery and growth
Phenix is a bioactive concentrated whey protein powder specifically designed to target faster recovery and increase performance intensity. Heavy exercise workloads can suppress immune response and increase susceptibility to illness. The 3 to 72 hour open window of impaired immunity after intense physical activity can cause added vulnerability to unwanted viruses and bacteria. Phenix is the solution to help maintain training goals of active outdoor enthusiasts.